Levelling up...

Raising the bar of the rental market

A favourite book growing up was one called ‘Old Farm, New Farm’. It told the story of how a dilapidated farmyard with tatty, rundown outbuildings and an unloved Farmhouse was transformed, bit by bit, back into a repaired and organised, well managed farm once again. I was transfixed. The thought of turning ‘nothing’ back into ‘something’ again was captivating. That spark has never left.

Unlocking potential and restoring value is inspiring and exciting and forms the Vision of the business. We take tired properties and create modern, dynamic shared rental houses. Emphasis is placed on considered layout and high-end design providing unparalleled properties to meet the demands of the ever growing rental sector and in doing so raising the bar - meaning that renting never feel like a second choice to owning your own home.

Sarah Robinson

Sarah began her career in Finance having completed a degree in economics. An offer from a brokerage saw her take up an International role in Hong Kong and it was at this point she realised property could work for her when she rented out her London flat with someone else paying off her mortgage.

Her passion, however, has always been property, which drove a move to work for a property investment company. It was here that she expanded her skills and investor mindset and learnt how to analyse deals.

SETL Homes was established in 2019 after a move back to the UK, to build on the success of the Hong Kong projects and capitalise on Sarah’s experience and passion for property. She thrives on the challenge of planning layouts to make use of every corner available and has a flair for stylish interior design. The focus has been on creating high-yielding HMO’s that have had value-added to them through renovation and provide strong monthly cash flow once tenanted.

The skills Sarah developed during her time in Property and Finance have no doubt helped her immensely in her own property business - not least her eye for identifying opportunities, analysing deals and seeking value through the negotiation phase.  Sarah believes that for successful investing you need to intrinsically understand the unique dynamics of the market where you invest - its employment demands, local amenities, transport links and reputation. - for her this has meant investing close to where she lives. 

If you’re interested in investing in my next project, book in a call with me to find out more by clicking the button below.